Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2011-04-12 Tuesday

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything! I've been focused on my Flickr uploads and seriously neglecting the blogs.

So, let's see, what's new? It seems I've been in this dilemma I pick up where I left off (I think November 2010 was my last post) or do I not worry about trying to catch up and just start from here?

Maybe I'll start with the present and work my way back. I've heard that's how memory works anyway. If you play your memory back from the present you can remember things more clearly than if you say, "Now what did I do two nights ago?"

So, I took this photo this morning in response to a colleague's curiosity about the plant I told her we purchased at the UCI Arboretum last Saturday. It's a "Creeping Cape Lilac" ("Plectranthus ciliatus" according to the UCI Arboretum website). The leaves look and feel like a mint plant's leaves. I've read conflicting information about it's bloom period--the UCI arboretum says it blooms in Fall. That's ok, the leaves are pretty all by themselves and that will give the plant time to get established.