Sunday, July 22, 2007

This weekend (7-22-07) our garden feature is Aloe Aristata (aka "Torch Plant".)


Merlyn, the 17 mo. old male Yellow Labrador-Rottweiler-Shar pei(?--or maybe Chow).

Friday, July 06, 2007

Archimedes says, "Hi!"

Archimedes saw me loading the pictures of the tomatoes and asked why I hadn't loaded his pictures yet. He said he'd like to say hello to any mystery fans that might be out there. So here are a couple from his latest photo shoot.


Do you remember my mentioning that Don was planting Basil and Tomatoes when his Mom was visiting in May? Well, here's a close up of one of the tomato plants just after it's little roots were buried.

And here is one of the little Basil plants
Yeah, I know. Basil is supposed to be repulsive to bugs, but something out here appreciates fine cuisine.

A few weeks ago (June) we saw two or three wee little tomatoes on the tomato plant.

So Don decided it was time to prop it up. He went and bought some tomato staking stuff. And now our little plants look all grown-up and adult-like.

The Basil has grown too, but not nearly as much.