Apparently, my images are not coming back. Somewhere in the Blogger excuses for problems, it says that loading several large images at one time can be a problem for the server. I'd accept that reasoning if it were not for the fact that both times I lost images showed up on the Blog right after I posted, and didn't disappear until after having been there for an entire day, and the first time it happened they some how recovered by the next day. So if the server wasn't big enough to handle them how did they post in the first place, and how did they re-appear without my re-loading? Possibly because that time I was able to find an e-mail to complain to. This time I can't seem to find that. Either I've gone blind, or they've removed it.
Well, whatever the reason for the dissapearance, the Blogger developers seem to be correct that it's when I load several images in one post, so I should probably limit that kind of thing to my Flikr account (I read at Yahoo recently that Yahoo albums are soon to be discontinued so that's not a good option anymore).
At any rate, I guess what I'll try is shifting some of the "Spring" post up to here. I hope it won't be too confusing.
Here goes:

Don replanted the larger pot several weeks ago and Joan gave the little pot some of that pink succulent I mentioned earlier.

The little green "leaves" with white edges draping over the front side of the rooster are the ones I keep calling a pink succulent because some of those "leaves" are pink. I think they start pink and then turn green and white, but I'm not sure yet.

Here's a closer look in another pot.
Well, that's annoying. It's was a major struggle to get rid of those pesky rectangles that used to be images. It might have been easier to just retype captions instead of pasting everything here. So now I'm a little curious if those images might still reappear in the "Spring" post.
I think I'll hold off another day before re-loading the other half of the images in that post.
Well, whatever the reason for the dissapearance, the Blogger developers seem to be correct that it's when I load several images in one post, so I should probably limit that kind of thing to my Flikr account (I read at Yahoo recently that Yahoo albums are soon to be discontinued so that's not a good option anymore).
At any rate, I guess what I'll try is shifting some of the "Spring" post up to here. I hope it won't be too confusing.
Here goes:
Inspired by something I'd openly admired at Roger's Gardens, Joan created this and helpfully explained how I can keep it alive.

Joan bought a beautiful pink succulent at Roger's Gardens. I'd wondered how she'd get it back to North Carolina. I should have known it was intended for OUR garden. Here she's put it in a couple of pots (the two lower ones) with shells, driftwood, and succulents we'd not yet gotten around to re-potting.
More re-potting, and my Victorian lady rabbit, that I bought just before we moved in--knowing she'd look great somewhere at our new house, was given a place of greater prominence.
Joan bought a beautiful pink succulent at Roger's Gardens. I'd wondered how she'd get it back to North Carolina. I should have known it was intended for OUR garden. Here she's put it in a couple of pots (the two lower ones) with shells, driftwood, and succulents we'd not yet gotten around to re-potting.
Don replanted the larger pot several weeks ago and Joan gave the little pot some of that pink succulent I mentioned earlier.
The little green "leaves" with white edges draping over the front side of the rooster are the ones I keep calling a pink succulent because some of those "leaves" are pink. I think they start pink and then turn green and white, but I'm not sure yet.
Here's a closer look in another pot.
Well, that's annoying. It's was a major struggle to get rid of those pesky rectangles that used to be images. It might have been easier to just retype captions instead of pasting everything here. So now I'm a little curious if those images might still reappear in the "Spring" post.
I think I'll hold off another day before re-loading the other half of the images in that post.
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