This blog is certainly due for an update. I can't believe it's been since February that I added anything to this one.
Just a reminder, before I begin, that clicking on any of the images below will enlarge them.
You've heard of Spring cleaning? Well, I'm not sure why people pick Spring as the season to clean in --I mean, who wants to waist the time that could be spent admiring nature's art festival, toiling with dust and grime?! On the other hand, I admit it's true that when I bring a vase of flowers into the house (if I can find any between weeds), it sort of detracts from the effect to have to push dust and clutter aside to set it down. At any rate, we picked Spring to clean in because we were having company.
We weren't altogether finished when company arrived however. In fact, when Don's Mom arrived on May 12th to be in time for his MBA awards ceremony on the 14th and his Commencement on the 20th, there was still enough to be done as to inspire her to help.
Now, that's the kind of guest to have when you've gotten behind on your cleaning!
She forgave our mess and cleaned, tidied, cooked and gardened throughout her entire stay. When asked if she'd like to go to a movie she'd respond with something like, "There isn't much time before I leave, and we really must get that sprinkler system right."
One day, we were proud of ourselves for having succeeded in getting her to go out with us for some relaxing entertainment. Sharing our love of gardens, we new she'd enjoy Roger's Gardens in Newport Beach where we all admired the various flowers and gathered many planting and arranging ideas. Also, she'd long wanted to see tide pools, but despite some 35 years living in Southern California, had never found time to go. So we went beach combing at Crystal Cove where she joyfully picked up a few pieces of driftwood and muscle shells before we lunched at the appropriately named Beachcombers restaurant.
The next day, when we returned from work, we discovered she'd been collecting those things for US. She'd potted many of Don's little cacti, incorporating the shells and driftwood in the arrangements. She'd also purchased some flowers and planted a flower box that she set atop my long abandoned rot iron tea cart. Like a regular little flower faerie she replaced weeds with flowers wherever she went.
I had trouble with this posting initially. Apparently I loaded too many at one time, so I had to separate the images. Some are now in a June posting and some are here.
All-righty then, thanks for visiting!
Just a reminder, before I begin, that clicking on any of the images below will enlarge them.
You've heard of Spring cleaning? Well, I'm not sure why people pick Spring as the season to clean in --I mean, who wants to waist the time that could be spent admiring nature's art festival, toiling with dust and grime?! On the other hand, I admit it's true that when I bring a vase of flowers into the house (if I can find any between weeds), it sort of detracts from the effect to have to push dust and clutter aside to set it down. At any rate, we picked Spring to clean in because we were having company.
We weren't altogether finished when company arrived however. In fact, when Don's Mom arrived on May 12th to be in time for his MBA awards ceremony on the 14th and his Commencement on the 20th, there was still enough to be done as to inspire her to help.
Now, that's the kind of guest to have when you've gotten behind on your cleaning!
She forgave our mess and cleaned, tidied, cooked and gardened throughout her entire stay. When asked if she'd like to go to a movie she'd respond with something like, "There isn't much time before I leave, and we really must get that sprinkler system right."
One day, we were proud of ourselves for having succeeded in getting her to go out with us for some relaxing entertainment. Sharing our love of gardens, we new she'd enjoy Roger's Gardens in Newport Beach where we all admired the various flowers and gathered many planting and arranging ideas. Also, she'd long wanted to see tide pools, but despite some 35 years living in Southern California, had never found time to go. So we went beach combing at Crystal Cove where she joyfully picked up a few pieces of driftwood and muscle shells before we lunched at the appropriately named Beachcombers restaurant.
The next day, when we returned from work, we discovered she'd been collecting those things for US. She'd potted many of Don's little cacti, incorporating the shells and driftwood in the arrangements. She'd also purchased some flowers and planted a flower box that she set atop my long abandoned rot iron tea cart. Like a regular little flower faerie she replaced weeds with flowers wherever she went.
I had trouble with this posting initially. Apparently I loaded too many at one time, so I had to separate the images. Some are now in a June posting and some are here.
Donkey's Tail provided by my friend, Tanya. I'd planted them quite some months ago all around the rim of this pot. Joan thought to give it a nice center piece and to raise it up on an upside down pot.
and Geraniums
Another day found Don and his Mom replanting the little garden on the South side of the garage. Don has always wanted an herb and tomato garden but had worried it could harm the bunny. Joan assured him that in the 8 years she'd had him the bunny had always stayed away from anything said to be toxic to him (you'll recall we adopted Mr. Bunny when we bought the house from her). So Don found various types of Basil, and a Tomato plant and Joan bought some Marigolds in hopes of keeping bugs to a minimum. Then they got the sprinklers and drip system set up. Don then laid cloth to discourage weed growth, and planted his tomatoes, Basil, and Marigolds. Joan was sorry to leave before the project was finished, and Don was sorry she didn't get to see the end results in person.

Meanwhile, I played in the front garden, employing some of those Marigolds myself. This Delphinium has only been in this garden for a few weeks. It looks this haggard because the snails stampeded as soon as I set it in the dirt. I don't have high hopes for a recovery, but we'll see.

My thought was to insert one between each of our Hibiscus as well, in case the ladybugs Joan bought us for their aphids, take flight before the job is done, but I've got to remove the Bermuda grass and weeds first so I didn't get real far.All-righty then, thanks for visiting!
Next stop, "SoCalDayTrippin" for "Flowers for Dan".
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