Thursday, November 23, 2006

...And Bunnies.....

In August of 2002 we bought a house in Running Springs (San Bernardino mountains), and as I look back at our history of acquiring pets, I guess its surprising that no new pets resulted in the purchase…unless you count the woodpecker in the attic or the squirrels in the pines that scamper across the balcony railing in their rush from one tree to the other. But they can’t really be counted considering that the woodpecker’s hole was sealed and the squirrel population has been fatigued by the large scary nearby fire of 2003 and the felling of trees succumbing to bark beetle infestation. But then Jasper and Simba enjoy going with us when we visit the mountain (Archimedes hates the ride) so we are never wanting for the comfort of creatures.

We’d thought that we might move to Running Springs eventually, but then the opportunity to purchase the Westminster house from Don’s Mom arose in 2004. So, we moved to Westminster, and sold the Santa Ana condo. Like the Running Springs house, the Westminster house came with it's own wildlife. Besides adopting the usual backyard residents; spiders, hornets, butterflies, dragonflies, ants, snails, lizards, possams and the like, we became the proud parents of two rabbits; Mr. and Mrs. Bunny. Mr. and Mrs. Bunny had lived free-ranging in the backyard for 8 to 10 years (those were the estimated ages of the bunnies, with Mrs. Bunny being the older of the two). Their only upkeep being pellets and a carrot each a day.


Blogger lifelessons said...

Cute bunnies! Who's this dumb askinstoo person posting sales info on your blog? Anyway, the rabbit looks very happy!

9:02 AM  

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